Preparation and Eligibility

In the Brahmaputra Cycling Expedition, the Tour can be categorized into 3 segments: Easy, Moderate, Moderate Plus

Easy: Flat Roads, No elevation, ride less than 50km a day. 

Leisure cycling. Total 200 km in 6 days.

Moderate: Flat roads. No or little elevation. Ride average 50+ km per day. Total 250 km in 6 days

Moderate Plus: Roads are a mix of flat and rolling hills. Elevation up to 300m. Average ride 70 km per day. Total 330 km in 8 days. 

Eligibility for Easy:
- Basic fitness
- No medical history related to heart and lungs.

Eligibility for Moderate:
- Occasional cyclist (avg. 50km a month prior to the tour.) Or has completed any cycling tours with us before
- Cycled more than 150 km in last 3 months
- No medical history related to heart and lungs.

Eligibility for Moderate Plus :

- Occasional cyclist (avg. 50km a month prior to the tour.) Or has completed any cycling tours with us before
- Cycled more than 200 km in last 3 months
- No medical history related to heart and lungs.